Family Day Care in the Media

We normally post relevant Family Day Care stories from the media here, but today in the wake of the one sided, sensationalist Family Day Care bashing, I felt we had to write our own.

There has been a lot of bad press relating to Family Day Care in the last week or so. Clearly the media like the idea that something bad is happening as it makes a good story.

Of course what they don’t say is that although there are some people doing the wrong thing, Family Day Care has been operating for over 30 years providing an ever increasingly professional and necessary service for tens of thousands of working families.

Kids at Home, like many other Family Day Care services focuses on providing quality home based child care. We have been rated as Exceeding National Quality Standards.We are one of the unreported majority of services who are proud of what we do, who support and work with our Educators who are a very important part of the Kids at Home team.

We agree if people are doing the wrong thing they need to be brought to account. They are tarnishing our sector after all. We have reported many suspicious incidents over the last 5 years when they have come to our attention. Unfortunately little or no action was taken back then. If it had been we would have not had the sensational headlines we see now, with politicians seeking to take credit for solving a problem that with adequate governance could have been nipped in the bud years ago.

So yes, sort out the bad apples, but bear in mind they are not representative of us, and the majority of Family Day Care services. Remember some of these services have been operating for 30 years. How many businesses, politicians or government departments can claim such longevity in providing services to the community? Perhaps the media should report on that – or maybe it doesn’t stack up against the political drum beating, reality TV and sensationalism they appear to favour.

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