QLD Health Seasonal Flu Communique

Information received from Queensland Health 2013 Influenza Surveillance YTD data shows the highest rate of hospitilisation for children in the under-five age group diagnosed with Influenza, compared to other groups.

Signs & Symptoms can include: fever, dry cough, muscle and joint pain, tiredness/extreme exhaustion, headache, sore throat and stuffy nose. Fact sheet available here. 

Steps to take to prevent flu outbreaks include:

  • Encourage seasonal influenza vaccination for any person aged six months or older and those at higher risk of complications from Influenza – pregnant women, children with medical conditions. Fact sheet available here.
  • Staff, children and parents to practice and promote good hand and respiratory hygiene
  • Ensure coughs and sneezes are covered, preferably with a disposable tissue
  • Strict attention to environmental cleaning of all surfaces
  • Persons including children with symptoms of flu should not be attending or visiting Child Care environments, including Family Day Care homes
For more information on staying healthy in Child Care read this guide on the Queensland Health website.
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