EYLF Resources for Outcome 1

Below is a list for Early Year Learning Resources for Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity

Section 1: ‘Children feel safe, secure and supported’ when they form secure attachments, have smooth transitions, have a feeling of belonging and trust, are able to communicate their feelings and feel safe to explore their environment. Below are some examples:

  • The Gentle Art of Communicating with Kids – Suzette Haden Elgin, PhD.
  • The Circle of Security: Roadmap to Building Supportive Relationships
  • Nurturing the Spiritual Child, Compassion, connection and a sense of self – ECA
  • Transition Magician 2 – Strategies for Guiding Young Children in Early Childhood Programs – Mary Henthorne, Nola Larson & Ruth Chvojicek

Section 2: ‘Children develop their emerging autonomy, interdependence, resilience and sense of agency’ when they recognise their own and others’ needs and achievements,take risks in decision making and exploration, persist with challenges, share and cooperate.  Below are some examples:

  • Initiative and Social Relations
  • Guiding Young Children in a Diverse Society

Section 3: ‘Children develop knowledgeable and confident self identities’ when they are recognised as individuals, when they are able to share differences about themselves and others,When they can share achievements and feel confident to ask for help.

  • Young Children’s Social Behaviour
  • Confident Children – help children feel good about themselves
  • Because We’re Worth It – Enhancing Self-esteem in Young Children

Section 4: ‘Children learn to interact in relation to others with care, empathy and respect’ when they show respect, empathy, cooperation, interest and trust in others.

  • The Smart Skills Resource Kit
  • Sarah Schuette’s character series – reflect children’s social and emotional values

Noah’s Ark Children’s Services Resource Unit – 1800 112 585


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