Early Years Learning Framework Free Newsletter

The Early Years Learning Framework Professional Learning Program (EYLF PLP) provides ongoing professional support to services as they engage in the EYLF implementation process. The program is a national initiative and will take place in 2010–11.

The EYLF PLP has the following separate but interrelated elements:

  • a national program of 65 EYLF workshops
  • an online EYLF interactive forum available to early education and care settings and educators
  • an online EYLF e-newsletter
  • EYLF online master classes focused on focused on aspects of the EYLF
  • a series of short EYLF professional learning vignettes.

Click here to sign up for your free EYLF newsletter!

This resource has been created by educators in NSW exploring the Early Years Learning Framework during the professional development sessions of: Belonging, Being and Becoming: Putting the Early Years Learning Framework into Practice. During these sessions, educators collaborated on the meanings of the key words of Belonging, Being and Becoming and discussed the five outcomes from their personal perspectives.

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