PARENTS using non Family Day Care child care will be paying up to $130 a day from next month as fees increase to comply with new government reforms.
A Herald Sun investigation found unprecedented fee rises up to $25 a day because of mandatory changes to staff numbers from January 1 2012.
Child Care Centre Operators are concerned soaring fees would force many struggling parents to quit or use alternative services such as Family Day Care which is not affected by the changes.
The new regulations will require one staff member to look after four children up to two years old – up from the current ratio of five. Parents are receiving letters about the price rises and reduction in places. Up to 4000 places may be lost across Victoria alone with fees set to rise between $2 and $25 a day, with most between $5 and $10 – half of which will be offset by federal subsidies.
With more and more places being lost in Child Care Centres, demand for Family Day Care places will undoubtedly increase, meaning we will need more and more Family Day Care Providers. Are you a parent affected by these changes? Why not consider a career change to become a Family Day Care Educator, working from home caring for children and earning a great income!
All in all just another good reason why Family Day Care is a great alternative to expensive Child Care Centres.
Read the full story in the Herald Sun here.